Week 1 



                  Boo Radley, Arthur Radley, did something terrible in the book . He drove scissors into his dad's leg, his mom ran out of the house screaming because of his evil deed, and he ended up in the court house basement for assulting his dad.

   By: Mysha Quader


Week 2 


                  Jem, Scout and Dill are trespassing into Mr.Radley's backyard to try to get a look at Boo Radley. When they get to the window, they see a shadow of a man wearing a hat. This man comes out of the house and starts shooting at them. Later on, the person shooting at them was Mr. Nathan Radley. Mr. Radley tried shooting at them because he felt that because that someone was trespassing on him property he has the right to shoot them. Jem, Scout and Dill run for their lives. While running, Jem gets stuck in the fence.

    By: Alexandra Voronochikhina


Week 3 


                  This cartoon shows the kind of difference that white people and black people faced in court. The white people had a much better chance of getting off their prosecution not guilty. A black man or woman who was taken to a court would more likely be called guilty. This kind of descrimination was common or regular in the many white towns of the South.  Scout, Jem and Atticus especially will expierience how the people get off easy or they are also judged really hard. This shows a picture of a black man and a white man. The black man is made that he is guilty and is in handcuffs. The white man is free. This is shown as the door of the courthouse.

    By: Mysha Quader and Claire Takeshita

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