Welcome to the Maycomb Special.

An online project on the Maycomb County.

             This website is used to inform the people about the book "To Kill A Mockingbird". Throughout the next few weeks, we will be posting newspapers, myths, blogs, cartoons and other things about the book that we have read. Enjoy!

 Site made by: Mysha Quader, Claire Takeshita, Alexandra Voronchikhina, and Tania Martinez.


How Maycomb Got Started:

        The town Myacomb was named after Colonel Maycomb. This is a town east of Finch landing. It would have been closer to the river except this was stopped by a person of the name of Sinkfield. In town's beginning he operated an inn which was the only tavern around. He was not a patriot, he served and supplied to Indians and settlers alike. This provided for good buisness. Buisness became even better when Governer William Wyatt Bibb made a team of people to locate the center of the county and therefore make a government around there. They were in the tavern and they told him he was in the territory of Maycomb county and showed him where the most likely government would be built. He made a strong moe to protect his holdings and in this way Maycomb does not sit in the middle of Winston Swamp. This way Maycomb grew out from the tavern belonging to Sinkfield where many went to drink. He made all of his customers drunk and they made a map which has the center of the county meet his requirements. This is why the government is improved or better than other towns in that area. 

Location: Maycomb, Alabama

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