Alexandra Voronchikhina 


        Alexandra Voronchikhina was born in Moscow,Russia. She was born in 1996. She grew up in New York and moved to California in 2006.She likes to swim and make things with her hands. Alexandra has a pet fish named Billy. She loves science and plans to be a scientist one day.



Claire Takeshita 

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Tania Martinez


        Tania Martinez was born in Manhattan, New York in 1996. When she was around 4 and a half her dad got a job in Riverside California, so they moved. Tania grew up to love singing, it is her hobby. Her favorite colors are any neon colors but especially neon green. Her favorite animal is a cat, mostly because her friends say she reminds them of one, (a cat!) She loves decorating websites and has fun experimenting with it.



Mysha Quader 


        Mysha Quader was born in Austin, Texas in 1996. She loves the color blue and any shades of blue. Her favorite animal is a cockateil and she loves to go swimming. She also likes to draw. She helps with the site just like her team mates and haves fun with it, too.

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