Quote of the day: ” Home sweet home is safe for me”

        Last night sure was cold. I kept every fireplace in Mr. Finch’s house blazing hot but it was still freezing cold. I decided that it would be warmer to go home because Mr. Finch’s high ceilings and long windows. My home may be smaller but at least it keeps all the warmth in and all the cold out. When I came to Mr. Finch's house this morning, I saw that Miss Maudie’s house wasn’t there. There were only ashes left and a few pieces of wood. Poor Miss Maudie must have been devastated, her garden had burned down and she lived for her garden. I hope no one got hurt. Mr. Avery lives upstairs and he would have probably been inside. I must have missed a lot last night but I’m glad that I went home. Home sweet home is safe for me.